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Easy Machine Knit Hats Baby 6 months to Adult

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Sizes: Baby 6 to 12 months (Toddler to Preschooler, Child 3 to 10 years, Pre-teens and Teens, Adult Woman, Adult Man)

First make a swatch to get your gauge (stitches and rows per inch).

A. Multiply your stitches per inch by 17, (19, 20, 21, 22, 23) to get how many sts you will cast on.

B. Multiply the rows per inch for the height of hat 8 (8.5, 9, 10, 11, 12).

This is for a rolled brim hat.

Cast on your favorite way, I like a closed cast on like the e-wrap or crochet cast on A sts.

Work B rows you need for the height.

Transfer EON to the adjoining needle, work 2 or 3 rows.

Cut yarn, leaving double the length of your sts in work, thread onto tapestry needle and through all sts for a gathering bind off.

Sew up the side using a Baseball Stitch, catching only the outside edge of each loop.

Variations: Add an inch or two and reform to 1X1 rib by latch tool, or if you have a ribber can be done on that. You want to make sure the end needles are not reformed, so if doing this you will want to start out with an odd number of stitches. Or you can do a folded or picot hem. Work up 6 to 10 or more rows, then transfer EOS to the adjoining needle. Keep empty needles in work and knit the same rows as above (6 to 10 or more). Hang the first row on the needles to form the hem.

You may sell the item you make from this pattern (I do not have any right to tell you that you cannot sell the finished product, that is against the law - For more detail on this, please look at this page), you may not sell or give away the pattern itself. Nor shall it be put into any web page or magazine without my consent. Please email me first before doing so. All Rights Reserved

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