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About Myself

Here is a page with my opinion's on getting a new to them Knitting Machine

I have been Hand Knitting since 1966 and Machine Knitting since 1989. When I purchased my first machine, the Brother KX-350, there was no place for me to get any info on how to work it except for the manual that was with it. Self-taught just by taking my hand knitting skills and putting them to the machine. I did not go to any school and get a degree, that would have been money wasted (only my opinion) and would rather purchase yarn to knit more items. The key is to control the machine and not let the machine control you. I would love to pass on my knowledge to those that are interested.

I am a 1 woman show. I have recorded, produced, and marketed many short knitting machine techniques tutorial video's and put them together on DVD disks with similar topics. I do show my mistakes and how I fix them. You will see that most are edited only for the reason of I hate movement of the camera as if there is an earthquake happening. I try to put as much as possible on each disk which is close to 2 hours for each, so you get your monies worth . Also available in PAL format for the countries that still use that system. My first thought about making my DVD's was for them to be viewed on a TV so that one can watch them while having their machine in front of them also. They can be viewed on computers with programs that will play the VOB (video) files, like Windows Media Player (at least version 9 and up) and have heard that Mac OS X can play them also. Not sure about the Linux OS but there are many other programs that will play them.  Now they are available, well all the newer ones but some of the older ones also, on YouTube

Some cannot get their knitting machine in the computer room to be able to watch and do, there was a time that I couldn't but now I can. I have many grateful customers that you can view some of their comments on the unsolicited comment page.

If you would like to Skype me and I am not on, you can email me and set up a time for us to chat. I will have to allow you to my list before we can. I don't normally have that on with all that I do, but would love to video chat or even show you something on one of my machines via Skype. If you do not have Skype but have a web cam, I do have a couple web pages that we can do the same, again email me to set up a day and time.

I have been asked this before, why do I go by Alaskan Maine-iac. I am an Alaskan Native but live in Maine.  The Maine Air National Guard affectionately known as the ' MAINEiacs' which is just another word for one that lives in Maine.  Hence the Alaska Maine-iac.

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